Is Resilience the New Sustainability of the 21st Century?

Introduction Why? Because embedded in its DNA, resilience looks at risk as a dynamic, non-linear and asymmetric phenomenon in a context where ongoing uncertainty, unpredictability, volatility, and constant change is a rude, disturbing, awakening, and sobering reality.  Chaos Theory would sit well with resilience proponents.  Can you say the same about Sustainability? I doubt it.  Beyond the […]

Fixing the fragmented approach to resilience

Introduction Resilience has been at the heart of international development discussions in recent years, but competing definitions and sector-based funding streams have hampered implementation, according to expert [Steve Latham] who spoke to Devex. Donors and organizations approach resilience in a fragmented, rather than holistic, way, said Stephen Latham, an instructor at Northwest University’s international community […]

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