The Four Forms of Capital
Some of you may be familiar with these forms of wealth as having been broken down into eight categories. Truthfully, people have found those hard to remember—heck, even I have to strain sometimes to pull numbers 7 and 8 out of my brain. So, I’ve simplified them into four forms of capital: Home includes everything […]
The Bare Minimum
The Bare Minimum There are a huge number of variables that will make your specific needs and responses different from mine, and that’s expected. You might be older or younger, or have more or fewer monetary resources, or live in a drier or hotter or colder environment. In other words, I don’t have a magic […]
AI bot, ChaosGPT, tweets out plans to ‘destroy humanity’ after being tasked
By Richard Pollina April 11, 2023 5:48am Updated Some questions are better left unanswered. An artificial intelligence bot was recently given five horrifying tasks to destroy humanity, which led to it attempting to recruit other AI agents, researching nuclear weapons, and sending out ominous tweets about humanity. MORE ON:CHATGPT The bot, ChaosGPT, is an altered version of OpenAI’s […]
Resilience on the Road to Revelation – the MO during the Great Tribulation
Consider following this blog which will walk you through the book of Revelation. Be both a Biblical student and competent practitioner that is equipped and prepared to survive and thrive the End Times, otherwise known as, the final chapter of human history in the lead up to the return and reign of Jesus Christ our […]
Why worry about Chinese weather balloons? Hint: Precursor to a full-blown EMP attack.
The following article will both shock and alarm you, hopefully so you can take action to be prepared for this possible, if not probable, eventuality. ‘Silent Killer’: Inside China’s Military Balloon Program Chinese home-made airship AS700 takes off for a test flight at Jingmen Zhanghe Airport in Jingmen, Hubei Province of China, on Sept. 16, […]
The Coming Tribulation: A History of the Apocalypse. Part 1: Bible Sources for Studying the Tribulation – Revelation 1:1-20. By Dr. Robert D. Luginbill.
Part I.1 Definition and Overview of the Tribulation.1.1.1. Scope and Methodology1.1.2. Definition and Terminology1.1.3. The End Times and Motivation
For the first time in human history, we are 90 seconds to midnite on the doomsday clock. Let that sink in.
Ninety Seconds To Midnight Dylan Eleven Jan 26, 20237 min Hardly Anyone Is Thinking Logically About the Risk of Nuclear WarLewRockwell Caitlin Johnstone The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its symbolic Doomsday Clock to ninety seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been set since its founding after the second world war. […]
What are Wicked Problems?
What are Wicked Problems? In 1973, design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber introduced the term “wicked problem” in order to draw attention to the complexities and challenges of addressing planning and social policy problems. Unlike the “tame” problems of mathematics and chess, the wicked problems of planning lack clarity in both their aims and solutions. In addition to […]
Is Resilience the New Sustainability of the 21st Century?
Introduction Why? Because embedded in its DNA, resilience looks at risk as a dynamic, non-linear and asymmetric phenomenon in a context where ongoing uncertainty, unpredictability, volatility, and constant change is a rude, disturbing, awakening, and sobering reality. Chaos Theory would sit well with resilience proponents. Can you say the same about Sustainability? I doubt it. Beyond the […]
Fixing the fragmented approach to resilience
Introduction Resilience has been at the heart of international development discussions in recent years, but competing definitions and sector-based funding streams have hampered implementation, according to expert [Steve Latham] who spoke to Devex. Donors and organizations approach resilience in a fragmented, rather than holistic, way, said Stephen Latham, an instructor at Northwest University’s international community […]