Welcome friend!

I look forward to the prospect of our ongoing engagement as we seek together to learn, understand and address what are arguably the greatest threats facing humanity today. Please contact me to remain appraised of the latest reflecting, thinking and acting as we slowly but surely navigate through the current and emerging global crisis of unprecedented historical proportions.

For those interested, allow me to provide you with a brief biographical sketch of my background, knowledge and experience. I have acquired 20 + years of professional leadership and management experience with international humanitarian and development programs, strategic planning, organization, and management; monitoring and evaluation; proposal writing, fund development, information management and data management; technical assessment/data analysis, budgeting, finance, socio-economic and environmental analyses; high level advocacy and mobilization.

I have been engaged in the coordination and representation of institutional strengthening, capacity building, community-based development initiatives, and child- and youth-focused advocacy efforts in urban resilience in situations of chronic violence, disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA)/mitigation, sustainable livelihoods, peacebuilding/ conflict prevention and mitigation, and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery/ rehabilitation.

In addition, I have extensive experience in international environmental, public health and international security issues. Furthermore, I have provided effective and efficient management for United Nations (UN), UN sponsored, private industry, and international development programs. I have worked in 17 countries, most of which have been in Latin America and the Caribbean region but also the US and the Middle East. Also, I have carried out temporary work assignments in 45 countries around the world.

Moreover, I have been involved with the UN/UN related projects on environmental, health, and disaster management/risk reduction/ community resilience issues. I have broad-based experience in the design of programs and projects focused on violence prevention/reduction, and multidisciplinary resilient practices. Beyond this, I have extensive experience (20+ external engagement) as speaker/panelist/ discussant at the Global and Regional Platforms for DRR, International Disaster Risk Conference/World Risk Forum (Davos, Switzerland), World Conference on Humanitarian Studies, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, Society for International Development, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the InterAmerican Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (AIDIS).

In my most recent roles, I have executed senior leadership roles as a Country Director and Disaster Response Director for leading Christian international NGOs.

Finally, I have been a long-standing member of a Latin America and Caribbean Regional and US Rapid Response Team, which involved the following disaster deployments to provide critical, rapid, life-saving support to disasters and protracted crises in highly at-risk contexts: 2017-2018 Hurricane Maria Disaster Response (Cat 5 Level 3 Response; 2014-16 Northern Triangle/Mexico Unaccompanied Children, Migrant & Refugee Crisis; 2010 Port-au-Prince, Haiti Earthquake—Cat 3 level 3 Disaster; 2007 Tabasco Flood, Mexico; Cat 2 Level 2 Disaster; 2005 Hurricane Katrina—Cat 3 Level 3 Disaster.

As far as my education, I hold a PhD in Systematic Theology (Academic distinctions, 4.0 cum gpa) from Trinity Bible College and Theological Seminary. In addition, I hold a joint MBA/Master of Public Policy & Management from the University of Maryland at College Park with graduate specializations in Entrepreneurship, International Security, Environmental Policy and Public Finance. Finally, I have a BA in Economics from the University of Maryland University College and a BS in Industrial Design from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.

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